• Two, three, or four may play. At the beginning of the game a player's tokens are out of play and staged in one of the large corner areas of the board in the player's colour.
  • Each player rolls the die, a player must roll a 6 or 1 to begins.
  • Once a player has one or more tokens in play, he selects a token and moves it forward along the track the number of squares indicated by the die roll. If a player rolls a 6 he may choose to advance a token already in play, or alternatively, he may enter another of his tokens into active play.
  • The rolling of a 6 earns the player an additional roll in that move turn. If the additional roll results in a 6 again, the player earns an additional bonus roll. If the third roll is also a 6, the player may not move a token and the move turn immediately passes to the next player. Players must always move a token according to the die value rolled, and if no move is possible, pass their turn to the next player.
  • If a piece lands on the same space as the another piece of the same colour, the moved piece must take the preceding space.
  • If a player's piece lands on another of their own pieces, they are doubled and form a "block" which cannot be passed by any opponent's pieces. Or in some variations may only be passed by rolling a 6 or 1.
  • Doubled pieces may move half the number if an even number is thrown e.g. move 2 spaces if a 4 is thrown.
  • A doubled piece may capture another doubled piece (like in Coppit). A board may have only four spaces in each "home column". All four of a player's pieces must finish in these spaces for the player to have finished the game.