Ludo League

Real Money Ludo Game

Ludo League is India's biggest real money Ludo Game where users can their Ludo game skills to win real money in their paytm Wallet.With more than 5,00,000 real player Ludo League provides chance to earn while having fun.


Play Online

Play Online : This is a 2 player,4 Peg game of Ludo.Users Can play 1-1 Ludo Game with real online players in this multiplayer real time game version.Players can also chat in real time with each other.


2 Peg

This is a 2 player 2 peg game of Ludo.This is the short and faster version of the game where players play with only 2 pegs.


Ludo Flash

Ludo Flash game rules are exactly like classic Ludo Game with one difference. In Ludo Flash any player that first cuts goti of other player wins the game.


Play with Friends

Players can invite their friends and challenge them for a game of Ludo in this game version. You have to simply share the game code of Ludo League with your friends through social media e.g. WhatsApp , Facebook , Email ect.